GeomorphIS Supports SWCA on SCE On-Call Contract

SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) has included GeomorphIS as a subcontractor on their Southern California Edison (SCE) environmental services on-call contract. GeomorphIS is tasked to provide environmental, biological, and GIS support services to the SWCA team.

US Forest Service Awards GeomorphIS Mexican Spotted Owl Survey Task Order

GeomorphIS and our partner, BIOME Environmental, will conduct protocol surveys for Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida; MSO) at various locations on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests (A-SNFs), Arizona. The GeomorphIS team will survey over 60 MSO Protected Activity Centers (PACs) requiring habitat assessment during 2016.

US Forest Service Awards GeomorphIS 3-year Riparian Bird Survey Contract

GeomorphIS and teaming partner, the San Diego Natural History Museum (SDNHM), will conduct protocol-level surveys of the federally endangered southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) and least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) at several sites within the San Bernardino National Forest, in southern California. The surveys will be conducted over several years, depending on funding.

GeomorphIS Awarded “Review-of-Reviews” Task from NPS

GeomorphIS’ senior wildfire planner will conduct a programmatic review of prior year wildfire review documents for seven US National Park Service (NPS) regional offices for the NPS Branch of Wildland Fire. The GeomorphIS planner will review all the most recent program review documents, interview NPS fire management staff, consolidate findings, and prepare recommendations for standardizing and improving future annual review reports.

GeomorphIS Researchers go “Camping” at Glacier National Park

The US National Park Services has issued GeomorphIS a task order to prepare multiple property document forms and National Register of Historic Place nomination forms for historic Glacier National Park campgrounds.  The GeomorphIS’ team includes U.S. West Research, Inc. and Fraserdesign, which bring their expertise in the regional history and architecture to the project.