USFS Tasks GeomorphIS to Conduct Northern Spotted Owl Surveys on Mt. Hood National Forest, Oregon

The USDA Forest Service (USFS) has issued GeomorphIS task order under our Pacific Northwest Region (Region 6) professional services BPA to conduct northern spotted owl surveys within the South Five Mile, Grasshopper, Gate, Eastside Roadside Fuel Break EIS, and Hootnanny Planning Area of the Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon. A GeomorphIS-Tanner Environmental Services team will conduct the surveys at approximately 35 monitoring stations within the South Five Mile planning area, 45 stations within the Grasshopper planning area, 15 stations within the Gate Planning area in 2024 and 2025. The protocol for these surveys is described in the 2012 Revised Protocol (US Fish and Wildlife Service) under the heading “Complete Visits” and “spot checks” and requires six survey visits to each station or 3 visits to each station.

USFS Tasks GeomorphIS to Conduct Amphibian Surveys on the Plumas NF, California

The USDA Forest Service (USFS) has issued GeomorphIS a task order under our Land Management Integrated Resources (LMIR), Blanket Purchase Order (BPA) to conduct amphibian surveys for Plumas National Forest Community Protection – Central and West Slope Project. A GeomorphIS-Tanner Environmental Services-Reno Biological Services team will collect field data and report on the presence or absence of Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog (Rana sierrae), foothill yellow-legged frog (Rana boylii), and California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) in accordance the following established protocols: “A Standardized Protocol for Surveying Aquatic Amphibians”, Gary M. Fellers and Kathleen L. Freel, National Biological Service Cooperative Park Studies Unit, May 1995; “Revised Guidance on Site Assessments and Field Surveys for the California Red-‐legged Frog”, US Fish and Wildlife Service, August 2005; and California Department of Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Invasive Species Decontamination Protocol, October 2022. The GeomorphIS team will provide data sufficient for informing management decisions and facilitate the implementation of Plumas National Forest’s Community Protection Project – Central and West Slope. The results of surveys will be used to identify appropriate measures to mitigate disturbance to the scoped species and determine appropriate management actions allowable within/near suitable habitat within the boundaries of the project.

GeomorphIS to Conduct Additional Botany Surveys on Shoshone NF, Wyoming

The USDA Forest Service (USFS) has issued GeomorphIS a GSA schedule task order to conduct botanical and invasive plant surveys during the 2024 and 2025 field seasons on the Shoshone National Forest, South Zone (Wind River District), Wyoming. A GeomorphIS-Elliott Environmental Consulting team will conduct a botanical survey focused on rare, sensitive, and invasive plants to document populations and/or habitat, but may also include general species inventory. The target of the surveys will be plant species considered Invasive/Non-native/Noxious Plants of Shoshone NF (A); UFSF Region 2 Sensitive Species Occurring on the Shoshone NF (B); USFS Shoshone NF Species of Local Concern (C); Shoshone NF Priority Botanical.