NPS Issues LMIR BPA Task Order to GeomorphIS for Cultural Survey on Buffalo National River, Arkansas

The US Depart of the Interior, National Park Service (NPS), Buffalo National River (BUFF) has issued a Land Management Integrated Resources (LMIR), Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) task order to GeomorphIS to provide archeological services to conduct a Pedestrian Survey for Cultural Resources within a Prescribed Burn Unit (PBU) at BUFF. The PBU is required for fire fuel reduction in BUFF, and are in Searcy, Baxter, Newton and Marion Counties, Arkansas. This work is required to meet Secretary of the Interior’s (SOI) Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) – Section 106 process to identify resources and evaluate impacts from a defined undertaking. A GeomorphIS-Algonquin team will conduct cultural resource investigations prior to the burn activities for PBU areas. This work is designed to result in the scientific survey to identify above-ground cultural and archeological sites (historic and prehistoric) within the burn units to protect these sites from the effects of controlled burns. This project will also contribute to increased knowledge about the cultural and archeological record for these areas.